Hi, I'm Amanda Webster

And when I’m not binging a Percy Jackson book with my 13-year-old, Bryston, watching a Saw movie with my boyfriend, Aaron, or snuggling our Chihuahua, Wendy, I’m a mental health content creator and wellness writer. I’ve been featured in Strong magazine, CNN, Women’s Health OxygenCosmo, Yoga Journal and more. I’m also pursuing my master’s in Forensic Psychology. Let me tell you though, life wasn’t always this amazing.

If you're seeking to unlock your full happiness potential, Amanda's Happiness Boost course is exactly what you need. With her unique blend of personal experience and formal education in mental health, Amanda has crafted a comprehensive program that touches on every key aspect of a fulfilling life. By the end of the Happiness Boost course, you'll walk away with a mental toolbox full of practical skills, handy cheat sheets to help you choose the right tools at the right time, and a lifetime's worth of wisdom to keep you grounded and joyful.

Loree Bischoff

Author of Common Sense Happiness and Host of We’re Talking Shift

I recently started The Happiness Boost course and highly recommend it. This course is perfect for those wanting to regain balance and happiness in their life. It is extremely helpful and offers clear, actionable steps that are easy to integrate into your daily routine. A lot of people don’t realize that how we treat our bodies has a huge impact on our mood and wellbeing and Amanda does a great job teaching about this. If you need help overcoming anxiety, improving your mental health, and want to lead a more fulfilling life then The Happiness Boost is for you! I’m so glad I took this course and can’t wait to start implementing these simple yet effective strategies into my daily routine!

Whitney Bartlette

Founder of Viral by Design

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I want to be upfront that I’m NOT:

  • Going to tell you that there is an easy fix for depression and anxiety. This isn’t a magic solution that promises overnight results.
  • A substitute for therapy because therapy and medications can be great tools and I’m not here to discourage you from using them.
  • A mindset coach that is going to tell you that your struggles are your fault for not hustling hard enough.
  • Here to lecture you on happiness and what it looks like because it’s different for everyone.

I’m just obsessed with helping people put their pieces (back) together…even if they feel like a hot mess.

I’m a rare blend of personal experience (I spent decades battling with extremely severe depression and addiction) AND textbook (I’m a psych major after all). This combo helped me rebuild my life from the ground up, find fulfillment, thrive in the first healthy relationship of my life and help thousands of others do the same. All without sacrificing my true crime podcast or daytime soap opera obsession.

The most important things for you to know about me?

  • I am a high school drop-out.
  • I grew up with extremely limited means and was an outcast among my peers because of it. 
  • I was abused and neglected by the only babysitter I ever had.
  • I lost my dad when I was 20 and my mom when I was 22.
  • I was sexually assaulted at 16 and again at 27.
  • I spent most my life cylcling through addictions and the revolving door of mental health professionals.
  • My hometown is a tiny blip on the map in rural Missouri.

I’ve been through some tough stuff, probably just like you. There’s no suffering hierarchy — we’ve all experienced something traumatic and we all have our own unique physiological and neurological obstacles. Any one of those things could’ve held me back and the culmination of those things almost took me out. But I was lucky enough that a well-timed Linkin Park song saved my life. And after doing a lot of work on myself and subsequently helping thousands of students create tangible results in their lives, here’s the reality I know to be true:

Nobody is a lost cause.

If you’re like most people struggling with their mental health…

You’ve tried to get your life together — exhilarated by that burst of hope that healing was just a therapy session away.

Maybe you have been on the couches of a dozen therapists and poured out all of your pain to them over and over.

Maybe you followed some Insta-guru’s routine, one that was guaranteed to be such a game changer and set you up for boundless energy and good vibes.

Maybe you opened up to someone you trusted in hopes of getting support and empathy.

Maybe you bought a self-help book (or twenty) to help you bust through your blocks, discover your purpose, and rewrite your future.

… And then did some yoga and chanted “I’m happy and healthy” in front of the mirror a thousand times a day, just for good measure.

You were READY. You believed change was possible.

You believed that you had the potential to rewrite your story and live a life beyond your biggest dreams.

And you weren’t dreaming of marrying a celebrity (well, at least that wasn’t the focal point), living in Greece or having a massage therapist named Raul at your beck and call.

You just wanted to feel peace (and maybe even some excitement!) daily. To feel purpose in your life. To feel like the self-hatred and desire to run away from your own life aren’t going to rule you forever. To feel like you’re on the right path. To be surrounded by loving and empathetic people who get you. Maybe you want to enjoy a manicure without being crushed by mom guilt, talk to your partner without feeling like you’re needy or just wake up in the morning actually excited for the day ahead. Hey — our life isn’t meant to only be about how we can  serve other people, even as a parent or spouse! There, I said it! It’s about feeling fulfilled and leading by example!


No amount of therapy made any of it come to life. Talking to yourself in the mirror just reminded you that you didn’t feel hot, happy or healthy. The only thing that Insta-guru’s routine gave you was a cramp in your side and a newfound hatred for green smoothies that taste like lawn clippings. 

You wanted someone to listen to you and give you some guidance on how the heck to get out of that darkness. Instead, you got a therapist or an influencer that never had dark thoughts a day in their life, who never snorted cocaine from a public toilet seat (not my most glamorous moment!) out of desperation and who tried to shove you into a box and give you a label, then only see you as that label instead of seeing the unique person that you are.

And as you look at your life and realize none of those dreams are coming into fruition, you’re starting to seriously doubt that they are achievable. Maybe you’re too broken, too far gone. And you think that maybe you should quit wasting your time and just accept that you’re just too old/messed up/poor/unattractive/unaccomplishe and that life right now is as good as it’s gonna get.

If ANY of this sounds familiar…

If you find yourself constantly worrying, unable to quiet your mind no matter how hard you try…

If you’re in therapy but feel like you’re not making the progress you hoped for…

If getting out of bed or completing simple tasks is a daily battle, leaving you feeling drained and unproductive…

If your Shadow tells you that healing isn’t possible for “someone like you” and that has become an absolute truth…

Then keep reading:

Because what you’re about to discover could be the moment when everything starts to change — the one you’ll look back on a few months from now when you wake up in the morning, feeling different. Feeling full of anticipation for the day ahead.

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It’s called my Five Puzzle Pieces of Happiness and it will help you:


Go from waking up in a place of hopelessness to passion and excitement, so that each day feels like you are the main character in a video game living out an adventure and you’re confidently stepping towards the life you’ve always envisioned.


Change your thoughts from self-criticism to self-compassion so you built resilience even during the tough times (bad stuff will happen but I’ve got you)!


Drop the conditioning that made you believe your worth relies on what you do for others and realize that you matter and that you show up better for those you love by taking care of yourself ← especially important for serial people pleasers!


Become friends with your Shadow, instead of working against her, so you aren’t trying to suppress parts of yourself, instead learning to integrate them in a healthy way.


Move from feeling overwhelmed by stress to knowing which tools to use in which situations to handle difficult emotions and challenges with more confidence and hope.


Shift from feeling unsupported to building a strong network of people who actually GET IT so you have people around you that will hold space for you as you heal and support you when you stumble!


Walk away from relationships that don’t serve you and learn how to find a healthy partner that makes your heart sing and supports your journey.


Transform from being drained and exhausted or addicted to caffeine to having steady energy so you can get major sh*t done!

Exactly what’s included inside of Happiness Boost?

Each month inside Self Coaching Society, we’ll focus on a different topic. Here are just a few sample month topics to get your motor running:


A 100+ page workbook that you can do at your own pace to help you FINALLY start getting the answers you've been seeking.

Weekly Q&A sessions with me to get clarity on any parts that might not make sense to you and have lifetime support.

No-nonsense cheat sheets that show you exactly what (and who!) you need to cut out to find the mental clarity you deserve.

Dozens of videos walking you through each puzzle piece so you have a deep understanding of the process.

Over 100 tools that you can add to your mental health toolbox so you have variety depending on the situation.

Ways to incorporate physical activity into your day even if you don't want to go to the gym or do some Insta-circuit.

Implementation guides and checklists so you can easily reference the things you will need most in the real world.

My exclusive guided meditations to help you understand where you are and where you want to be.

Simple ways to boost the nutrients most important for brain health without counting a dang thing.

A DASS (Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scales) evaluation to track progress like a mental health professional would.

Hundreds of deep dive questions to help you find your strengths and target your weak points.

Weekly challenges and prompts to help you continue healing even after you've finished the course .

100% Money Back Guarantee

Try the membership for 7 days and if you don’t think it’s for you, we’ll gladly refund you.

Frequently Asked Questions


How is this different from the other self-help things I tried that didn’t work?

Girl (or guy!), I get it. You’ve probably tried a bunch of stuff that promised to change your life and didn’t deliver. The Happiness Boost course is different because it’s not about quick fixes or fluff. This is based on the exact steps I took to pull myself out of a really dark place—I’m talking clinical depression, addiction, and the whole nine yards. It’s real, it’s raw, and it works because it’s grounded in what actually helped me rebuild my life along with the  clinical stuff. You’re not alone in this, and this course is like having a friend who’s been there, done that, and is ready to help you do the same.


Can I take the course if I am currently in therapy or on medication?

Absolutely! Think of this course as a powerful complement to your therapy or medication. Therapy and meds are amazing tools, and Happiness Boost  empowers you to make decisions that will help you get the most out of treatment! Always check in with your therapist or doctor to make sure it’s the right fit, but trust me—this is designed to support and elevate the work you’re already doing.


How long is the course? Can I fit it into my schedule?

I totally get it—when you’re feeling low energy, the idea of adding one more thing to your plate can feel overwhelming. The Happiness Boost course does take some dedication because lasting change takes effort, but it’s designed with your energy levels in mind. You can spread the course out over time, tackling it in small, manageable chunks whenever you feel up to it. Whether it’s 10 minutes on a low-energy day or a deep dive on a weekend, you can fit it into your life at a pace that feels right for you. There’s no rush—just steady progress that honors where you’re at.


How is the course structured?

The course is laid out in easy-to-follow modules that walk you through the journey step by step. We start by assessing where you’re at, then dive into some real talk about emotional eating, finding your groove with fitness, and cutting out the crap that’s holding you back. Plus, there’s a big focus on sustaining your happiness with what I call the 3 C’s. It’s structured so you can build on each lesson and really see how all the pieces fit together to create lasting change.


Are the course materials accessible on mobile devices?

Heck yes, they are! Whether you’re on your phone, tablet, or computer, you’ve got full access to all the course content. That means you can dive into a lesson while you’re waiting in line at the grocery store or during your lunch break. No excuses—happiness is literally at your fingertips!

Join today for just $99 monthly

No hidden fees. Lifetime access!