Fear Is Natural, Panic Isn't

This week, I watched two older women nearly get into a fist fight over canned corn and I found myself on the brink of tears of joy and gratitude when a client gifted me a pack of toilet paper. If someone had told me that this was going to be my reality at the beginning of this month, I’d have told them to lay off the wacky-tobaccy before gazing into their crystal ball.

Yet here we are, as individuals and as a collective consciousness, trekking into uncharted territory.

Isn’t that life though? We get stuck in our comfort zones and when something threatens our routine, our way of life or our habits, we panic. That is exactly what is happening now, just on a global scale. People are panicking because they don’t know what to expect.

The truth is, our safety and security is always being threatened in some way. Every six seconds, someone dies from a smoking related diseased. Every twelve minutes, someone takes their own life. Every 37 seconds, someone dies from heart disease. Every year, 12,000-30,000 people die from the regular flu. Disease, be it viral or otherwise, is rampant whether the news is reporting it or not.

We panic because we feel ourselves losing control over the lives we have meticulously planned out when something happens that we don’t understand.

But, there are two things that we can control to some degree right now that are far more effective and reasonable responses than shanking each other over canned goods. Our anxiety and our immunity.

Are you buying up the entire county’s supply of toilet paper or are you planning some fun indoor activities for yourself or with your family? Are you rolling around in hand sanitizer or are you researching healthy recipes that are going to boost your body’s defenses in fighting anything it might be exposed to.

We are always so go-go-go and stuck in our ways and now the Universe has laughed in our faces and told us that we can either roll with the punches or we can get knocked out. Now is the perfect time to quit smoking. Now is the perfect time to curl up with that book you’ve been wanting to read. Now is the perfect time to pull up a Yoga video on YouTube and lion’s face away the anxiety. Now is the perfect time to spend an extra minute with your pets or kids or close friends.

Yes, take precautions. But focus on the ones that matter. The ones you can control. Not the worst-case-scenario what-ifs.


Amanda Webster

My name is Amanda. After a decade and a half of clinical depression, addiction, self harm and being a guinea pig to prescription medications led me to a hotel ledge where I was ready to end my life, I used fitness, nutrition and lifestyle changes to become decertified as having a Serious Mental Illness (SMI) by the very professionals that told me it was impossible. I'm now able to be happy with my nine year old, have the energy to chase my dreams and live every day as an adventure and not something to merely survive. I'm a certified Mind Body Wellness coach, holistic nutritionist, fitness coach and Yoga instructor who is passionate about helping others find happiness through my Happiness Boost course instead of the complacency we're so often sold.