Fish Don't Know That They're In Water

Fish don’t know that they’re in water. They don’t know what water is. If you tried to explain it to them, they wouldn’t be able to understand it because it’s such an intrinsic part of their world. However, if the are taken out of the water, the instant they realized that they couldn’t breathe, they would realize the importance of it. If you put them back in, they would be grateful to feel the alleviation of their suffering.

Just like the water, our opportunities and blessings are hid in plain sight. We don’t see them because we haven’t experienced life without them. We are now at the six month mark of quarantine. Many of us have been stuck inside missing the stream of our past, not seeing the ocean we’re still in. 

But how do we get into that flow?

Start by imagining that you wake up naked in a brightly lit white room with no doors or windows. You have nothing on your person and there is nothing in the room. What is the first thing you miss the most? Perhaps it’s your family or your pet. Imagine these things appearing in the room. Nothing else, just these people or things. As each one appears, smile and notice how grateful you are to have it back.

Understandably, you’re likely worrying about how you will get necessities. What will you need to survive? Are you starting to wish you had access to food and water? Are you wondering how you’re going to clean yourself or where you’re going to relieve yourself? One by one, allow these things to materialize in the room with you as well.

Maybe you miss the perfect lighting of your bedroom. Do you crave fresh air? Could you use a book to read? Do you wish you could call a friend? Add as many comforting things or things to represent what you enjoy. Continue smiling and giving thanks each time you bring something back. 

How many things can you add to your room?

It’s amazing how easy it is to lose sight of all the things around us that give us life, that make us comfortable and that bring us joy.

Amanda Webster

My name is Amanda. After a decade and a half of clinical depression, addiction, self harm and being a guinea pig to prescription medications led me to a hotel ledge where I was ready to end my life, I used fitness, nutrition and lifestyle changes to become decertified as having a Serious Mental Illness (SMI) by the very professionals that told me it was impossible. I'm now able to be happy with my nine year old, have the energy to chase my dreams and live every day as an adventure and not something to merely survive. I'm a certified Mind Body Wellness coach, holistic nutritionist, fitness coach and Yoga instructor who is passionate about helping others find happiness through my Happiness Boost course instead of the complacency we're so often sold.